Important tests for your baby

Your newborn will undergo a thorough examination by a pediatrician. Subsequent follow-up exams are of utmost importance, as many identified problems can still be treated successfully at this time.

Again, you can choose between the pediatrician of your choice or our care team from the University Children's Hospital of Vienna (Division of Neonatology, Pediatric Intensive Care and Neuropediatrics, Head: Angelika Berger, MD MBA Univ.-Prof., Deputy Head: Manfred Weninger, MD Univ.-Prof.).

Angelika Berger, MD MBA Univ.-Prof. performs routine hip and kidney ultrasound. A pediatric nurse from our team will conduct the highly important hearing tests.

TIP: Read up on the innovative exam for the early detection of hereditary diseases Baby-Check PLUS.

Hip ultrasound / hip screening
Examination of the hip for a congenital hip dysplasia (defective development of the hip joints) with state-of-the-art ultrasound equipment. Through early detection and treatment of hip dysplasia, the duration of the treatment can be shortened while achieving significantly better results.
Screening of the kidney and urinary system
Examination of the kidney for congenital renal abnormalities (e.g. expansion of the renal cavity system), where earliest possible detection is crucial for the preservation of the renal function.
Newborn Hearing Screening
Improvement of early detection of childhood hearing impairment has been sought for years.   A first step was the incorporation of an ENT specialist examination including a hearing test between the 7th and 9 Month of life into the mother-child pass. The study of hearing disorders in newborns constitutes yet another improvement.

In this study, a set of small, soft earphones are placed on the baby's ears, which emit a gentle tone. The ear responds with an echo - "otoacoustic emissions" - which is registered by a very sensitive instrument.

If the test result is positive, a normal auditory development can be expected. The purpose of this examination is to detect deficiencies and to enable the earliest possible assistance.
Heiligenstädter Straße 55-65, 1190 Vienna Icon Standort